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police services

Please join us in applauding the incredible women and men of the Durham Regional Police Service, who help by ensuring safe communities.


DRPS officers answer about 100,000 calls for service every year. These calls vary from routine incidents to emergency situations that challenge officers to think on their feet. For the past 16 years, PADAN has awarded sworn and civilian members of the DRPS for going the distance when answering the call for duty. From major investigative projects to tenacious front-line members that never give up, PADAN congratulates all the hard-working women and men of the DRPS. Funds raised go towards special programs in support of police outreach efforts in the community.


The DRPS is ranked as one of Ontario’s best municipal police services. It is usually ranked among the best for solving the more serious crimes, as measured by Statistics Canada’s Weighted Crime Clearance. This rating is a credit to our excellent police officers and civilian support staff for their dedication and commitment to proactive policing.

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